Sunday, February 27, 2011

Industrial Hemp is Illegal...why?

Post your thoughts as to why Industrial Hemp is not legal in the US.


Anonymous said...

Because William Randolph Hearst owned thousands of acres of timber in Mexico to use for paper for his newspaper empire. Even tho industrial hemp was more cost effective and a better choice to use for newsprint, he lobbied to associate the industrial hemp industry with drugs so people would not consider it. I believe this was the start of the publics long time paranoia of the hemp industry.

RD said...

hmmm...I didn't know about Mexico...thought it was in the Western US. In any case, Dupont came out with Nylon circa 1937, and because Hemp would compete with Nylon for rope, there began a campaign for a national Marijuana (sic) stamp tax
(i.e., a Hemp stamp tax), which made it unprofitable for Hemp farmers to grow. This spelled the beginning of the end for Industrial Hemp in the US.

Eric said...

Hemp will make a strong come back for no other reason then it is superior to cotton in every way. I have a nice blue hemp shirt that has lasted me years longer then a traditional cotton shirt did. I still wear it today, and it looks as good as it did when I first got it over twelve years ago, in fact it really does look brand new!

Q said...

Cuz Q-ANON is has over 3 million followers, most of whom follow a lot of other conspiracy theories.